【主要演員】:Hye-kyo Song, Arno Frisch, Athena Currey, Rob Yang, June Kyoto Lu, Clarissa Park, Constance Boardman, Marcus Choi, Carly Maitlin, Karen Olivo, Eve Annenberg, Luther Creek, Jason Paige, Tammy Kopko, Till Wolter.
在過去的韓國很多孩子被用來神婆祭祀,身子在壇子裡被關著直到死去,而靈魂也被瑣到鈴鐺裡。當今的韓國也有很多神婆用鈴鐺來招魂,傳說最有名的神婆都是啞巴,而淑熙(宋慧喬Hye-kyo Song飾)則生在這樣一個世代都為神婆的名門家族。為了擺脫這種命運,她從神聖女子大學休學,通過相親與從小生活在美國的皮特結婚,追隨丈夫和婆婆遠嫁到美國生活。初到異鄉的淑熙努力適應著周圍全新的環境,和家人一起信仰基督吃西餐。原以為這樣就可以割捨神婆的命運,然而神婆的命運卻依然緊緊的纏繞著她,母親送給自己結婚禮物裡竟然縫合著招魂的鈴鐺,丈夫吸毒過量和婆婆的自殺,相繼死亡再次點燃了已然成為孤身一人的她內心的慾望,她漸漸的迷戀上了了鄰居約翰(亞諾‧弗里斯奇Arno Frisch飾)和朱莉(阿瑟娜‧庫瑞Athena Currey飾)夫婦的生活,開始在生活的各個方面模仿女主人朱莉的各種舉動,來博得別人丈夫約翰的愛.....,之後又發生許多離奇現象.......。
A Korean emigrant's superstitiously suspicious past starts to catch up with her as her obsession with her married American neighbors begins to twist out of control and off the deep end.......
【User Reviews】:
JThe movie "Fetish" (the original Korean title release) or "Make Yourself At Home" (the U.S. title release) is a very compelling and intriguing movie with a plot that could have shown so much more promise and better potential as a suspenseful thriller. Sadly, many of the main actors simply fail to emotionally deliver believability in their assigned roles. In fact, based on the acting depth and believability of the main characters in this film, situations as agonizing and intense as infidelity, sudden death, accidental murder, and attempted suicide, (to list just a few), should be portrayed with much more verisimilitude, yet appear to not truly register and sink in from a actual human emotional level and thus the acting is subpar at best throughout the entire movie. I could give the movie more than 5 out of 10 stars for a well-written plot and storyline, however the acting ability was simply too mediocre to award more than 5 stars.
【chriscfleung】【sex8.cc】戀物 Fetish (高清版).torrent
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